Friday, August 22, 2008

8/15 playlist a week late

sorry guys! I totally spaced posting this last week. Go download the podcast from the archive or subscribe on itunes.

Black Carl - Chemistry
The Spider Hole - The Great Dutch Reveal

Rising Conviction - Axel FU
Kashlee Clausen - Mad on Fire
The Green Lady Killers - Whips and Chains
Get Down to Brass Tacks - Heaven
Neba - Talk to Me Girl
Juicy Newt - Here's to You
Snail Quail - Opposite Love Song
The Premiere - The Disease
This Century - The Moment
What Laura Says Thinks and Feels - Illustrated Manual
Leopard Head - Private Party
Race You There - Phonebooth
The Revival - It Starts Tonight

8/22 playlist!! WOOT WOOT!!!

I had a great time in chat, although it wasn't as happening as it usually was. My awesome friend, Alana, hung out with me, and she is sooooo much fun to be around.

She also writes reviews for the site. Speaking of reviews I have several I am hoping to post in the next week... so check that out when you can.

Here's tonight's playlist!

Race You There - I'm a Little Skewed
The Revival - It Starts Tonight
Neba - I don't Speak Binary
KraiseD - Give me My MP3s
Rising Conviction - Drugs
Daughters of Fission - The Juggler
The Spider Hole - The Great Dutch Reveal
The Stupors - Two for Me One for Jesus
Juicy Newt - Here's to You
Snail Quail - SOme PLace Better
Sketching in Stereo - Homogenized
Tugboat - Ocean to Ocean
France Vs, France - Get Into the FIght
Black Carl - Chemistry
This Century - The Moment
Tugboat - Shaped

Friday, July 18, 2008

New Beer:30 and 7/18 playlist

So we're going to have to change some things around a bit.. the new beer 30 will be pre request, and you can make them during the week. Just let me know what you want to hear on friday in an email (, reply to this blog, on myspace, anway you want. Check first to see if I have it. If you want to hear something I don't have... contact the band. Let them know they can send me their mp3s or email me with anyquestions.

Tonight's playlist:

GUNZAWLESS - My Angel Song - Tequilla Mockingbird
Affirming the Consequent - Letters
Merciless Sin - Bigot
Rising Conviction - Drugs
Black Box Burning - Standing in a Story
Leopard Head - Awkward Sex
Minivan Mafia - Dragonfly
The Premiere - Patrick Swayze
The Green Lady Killers - Whips and Chains
Juicy Newt - Here's to You
Sketching in Stereo - Homogenized
KOAMA - Rise Above
Daughters of Fission - The Juggler
Neba - My Heart Always Beats

Friday, February 8, 2008

What a Week! 2/8/08 Playlist

We have had some great shows this week! I want to thank you all for listening, calling in (wednesday), and hanging out with us in chat. I have had a blast!

If you miss any of our 3 weekly podcasts, you can still listen to them on our host page on BlogTalkRadio and subscribe to us on itunes (

Finally, tonight's playlist...

Neba - Rest
Juicy Newt- Here's to you
Playground Legends - Fall From Grace
Shotgun Royale - Fernando's Song
Higwire Fiction - Like the Rest
Derrick's Dramatic Reading
Headroom - Welcome to the Turtlewoods
Ghostlife - AM invasion
From Dark - Final Farewell

Rising COnviction - Axel FU
Chocolate Milk and WHite Noise
Friday Night Gunfight - Lost
Barry James - Quiet Little Town
Merciless Sin- Bigot

Thanks again and see you next time!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hip Hop for Dummies was a Bust


Last night we did a show on BTR which we kindly dubbed: Hip Hop for Dummies. Most of you know that hip hop really isn't our thing, but we thought it might be cool to use the few mp3s we did have and put together a show... maybe have a professor of sorts come in and tell us more about being "hip hop", etc

Well, we were stood up, and I am sure the Super Bowl was partly to blame, but I am not holding any grudges (now Derrick is another story).


If you didn't catch the show live, hop on over to the archive and give it a listen HERE

but if you haven't the time, but have about a minute and a half to spare.. check out this clip from the show. it's amazing:

This text will be replaced by the flash music player.

As of right now, next week's Round Table/Debate Series topic is undetermined. If you have any ideas, please post them in the forum.


My pretty princess co-host, Derrick, will be out next Sunday, and I am looking for a standin... any takers?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jamie Dull Releases Accoustic EP January 26th

Friend of the site and former drummer for the AZ band Radiofix, Jamie Dull is busy getting ready to release his accoustic 7 song EP, The Quiet Sessions. Although he will be releasing his cd at a private event in Mesa January 26th, you can contact him for information and possibly an invite by emailing him at:

You can hear tracks off Jamie Dull's upcoming accoustic EP on his myspace HERE

Friday, January 11, 2008

playlist from 1/11/08

Thanks to all of you who are sending in those mp3s - we are getting quite the collection. Now it's more important than ever to spread the word to all of your friends/fans to let them know we have them - get in chat and start requesting! An hour doesn't seem very long when you have 30+ different bands sending you multiple tracks.


Thanks to all of you for hanging out with us in chat and helping us put on a fun show. See you next week!

Juicy Newt- Here's to You
Kevin Kavanaugh - Cry Havoc (emo mix)
Affirming the Consequent - Burn a Politician
Neba - Rest
oneSTARnite - Mario
Howitzer - Blacklisted
From Dark - Answer to Infection
The Stupors - Two for Me One for Jesus
Black Box Burning - Standing in a Story
The Green Lady Killers - Whips and Chains
Leopard Head - 9mm Dance Machine
Down By Fire - Madam Monroe
Mission G - I wish you the best and by the best I mean the worst
Friday Night Gun Fight - Just a Dream
Rising Conviction - Drugs
Down By Fire - Another Year on the...

Friday, January 4, 2008

1/4/2008 Playlist

I finally made it back, and I would like to thank all of you who carried on without me ESPECIALLY my incredible co-host Derrick for taking care of business while I was away.

A special thanks to Jason Tucker and Saint for taking care of the interview Wednesday Night with Playground Lengends -- I owe you BIG!!!

It's good to be back, and I can't wait to kick off the new year with you all!

Souless - Behind the Mask
Dust & Blood - SIng to Your Demons
The Spider Hole - Dames
MIssion G - I wish you the Best and by the best I mean the worst
Neba - Don't be Slow
Orthostatic - Poser Nation
Howitzer - Blacklisted
Get Down to Brass Tacks - Heaven
Affirming the Consequent - Burn a Politician
Dither - Bitch(I cut you)
Tugboat - The Mystery
Gaza Strip - Solo
Hellven - You kicked my ass
Jonutis - Bring it On
Allie's Mitt - Rudy Can't Fail