Monday, February 4, 2008

Hip Hop for Dummies was a Bust


Last night we did a show on BTR which we kindly dubbed: Hip Hop for Dummies. Most of you know that hip hop really isn't our thing, but we thought it might be cool to use the few mp3s we did have and put together a show... maybe have a professor of sorts come in and tell us more about being "hip hop", etc

Well, we were stood up, and I am sure the Super Bowl was partly to blame, but I am not holding any grudges (now Derrick is another story).


If you didn't catch the show live, hop on over to the archive and give it a listen HERE

but if you haven't the time, but have about a minute and a half to spare.. check out this clip from the show. it's amazing:

This text will be replaced by the flash music player.

As of right now, next week's Round Table/Debate Series topic is undetermined. If you have any ideas, please post them in the forum.


My pretty princess co-host, Derrick, will be out next Sunday, and I am looking for a standin... any takers?

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