Calaca Cultural Center in partnership with Bragg’ Pie Factory Presents:
“Caminos de la Muerte”
Part of the CALACA Seventh Annual Dia de los Muertos
Calaca Community Gallery Project
When: October 7th, to November 18th, 2011
Opening Reception: First Friday October 7th 6pm to 10pm
Location: Bragg’s Pie Factory, 1301 NW Grand Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85007 (12th Ave. and Grand)
Exhibition will also be open to the public on:
3rd Friday October 21st, (6-10pm)
1st Friday November 4th (6-10pm)
Closing Reception: November 18th (6-9pm)
About the Exhibition
“Caminos de la Muerte” - will showcase various depictions of Day of the Dead art, ofrendas, nichos, altars, installations and other type of art that depicts a traveling theme.
Featuring: visual artists, altar makers, nicho, cajita and retablo makers, including Dia de los Muertos animation videos. *Curators: Marco Albaran and Ruben Galicia.
Sponsors and Exhibit Partners: Bragg’s Pie Factory (gallery space), Zopilote E-News, El Quinto Sol and others.
For more information: or check our web site
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Art Show!
Calaca Cultural Center in partnership with Shemer Art Center and Museum Presents:
Part of CALACA Community Gallery Series
At the
Shemer Art Center and Museum
5005 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, Az 85018
Exhibition Dates:
October 27th to November 29th, 2011
*Opening Receptions: Thursday 3rd (7pm to 9pm)
About the Exhibition:
“Impresiones en Papel” – Prints from regional Latino and Chicano artists, including print collections of local and regional arts organizations such as: of Xico Inc., the ASU Hispanic Research Center, and Cuervo Studios. This exhibition will include a number of historic prints made in the 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, and early 2000’s and will include current prints by local and regional Latino and Chicano artists. Some of these prints were created by renowned printmaking cooperatives such as Self-Help Graphics, the Royal Chicano Air Force and others.
Featuring Artists and Print Collections: Damian Charrette, David Manje, Martin Moreno, Reggie Casillas, Gabriela Munoz, Cristina Cardenas, Armondo Williams, Ruben Galicia, Oliverio Balcells, Lauren Yanez, Jesus Cruz, Diana Calderon, Cosme Cordova, and print collections from the ASU Hispanic Research Center, Xico Inc. Lenne Eller Collection, Tortuga Press and Studio, and Cuervo Studio.
Curatorial Team: is a collaboration between the CALACA Cultural Center and the Shemer Art Center and Museum. Exhibit Curators: Marco Albarran, Director of Calaca Cultural Center and Jocelyn Hanson, Executive Director of the Shemer Art Center and Museum, Co-Curator: Martin Moreno, master print maker and owner of Cuervo Studios.
Part of CALACA Community Gallery Series
At the
Shemer Art Center and Museum
5005 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, Az 85018
Exhibition Dates:
October 27th to November 29th, 2011
*Opening Receptions: Thursday 3rd (7pm to 9pm)
About the Exhibition:
“Impresiones en Papel” – Prints from regional Latino and Chicano artists, including print collections of local and regional arts organizations such as: of Xico Inc., the ASU Hispanic Research Center, and Cuervo Studios. This exhibition will include a number of historic prints made in the 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, and early 2000’s and will include current prints by local and regional Latino and Chicano artists. Some of these prints were created by renowned printmaking cooperatives such as Self-Help Graphics, the Royal Chicano Air Force and others.
Featuring Artists and Print Collections: Damian Charrette, David Manje, Martin Moreno, Reggie Casillas, Gabriela Munoz, Cristina Cardenas, Armondo Williams, Ruben Galicia, Oliverio Balcells, Lauren Yanez, Jesus Cruz, Diana Calderon, Cosme Cordova, and print collections from the ASU Hispanic Research Center, Xico Inc. Lenne Eller Collection, Tortuga Press and Studio, and Cuervo Studio.
Curatorial Team: is a collaboration between the CALACA Cultural Center and the Shemer Art Center and Museum. Exhibit Curators: Marco Albarran, Director of Calaca Cultural Center and Jocelyn Hanson, Executive Director of the Shemer Art Center and Museum, Co-Curator: Martin Moreno, master print maker and owner of Cuervo Studios.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Kalimba Open House

Kalimba Magic Open Houses:
October 15 1-5pm, November 12 1-5pm , December 10 12-3pm
Here is a great paradox: Kalimba Magic has had 1.4 million video views on YouTube, and is the world-wide number one destination on the web for kalimba information, yet people in Tucson hardly know I'm still breathing!
The Kalimba Club
The Tucson Kalimba Club, c 2006
Tucson, Tucson, Tucson! Kalimba Magic is a huge resource for you!
I invite you to come by this Saturday, Oct 15, anytime 1-5pm. Why?
Impromptu Kalimba Lesson
See our Great New AMI Marimbas (see below)
Try on a kalimba for size
Early Christmas Shopping
Talk about African Music and Kalimbas
Jam and have fun!
Bring your guitar, your old out-of-tune kalimba (I'll tune it up for you), but do come! We are at 775 S Irving Ave, 85711, in Tucson. Call (520) 488-7641 if you need more info, or reply to this email.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Call for artists!
Mascaras del Muerto & Caminos de la Muerte
Option #1 ( )
Seventh Annual CALACA Dia de los Muertos
“Mascaras del Muerto ”
*Art Exhibit Dates: September 30th to January 8th, 2011
DEADLINE to tell us if you are interested in participating: August 21st
(***Please send us your concepts, ideas, images of existing pieces by this day)
Where will the exhibition be??
at the Arizona Historical Society Museum at Papago Park,
1300 N. College, Tempe, AZ (NW corner of College and Curry)
We are looking for Artists, and Community members that would like to participate by making depictions of Day of the Dead masks, mask making, mask art, inspired mask altars, nichos, and ofrendas. for our 7th annual Day of the Dead exhibition at the Arizona Historical Society Museum at Papago Park. If you, or someone you know would be interested in participating, please make sure you submit all information by deadlines below. This year’s exhibition theme is Mascaras or Masks, We are accepting submissions on that theme only. Feel free to contact us for any questions related to this exhibit.
Option #2 ( )
“Caminos de la Muerte ”
In conjunction with the Second Annual “Viaje de los Muertos” Dia de los Muertos Exchange Project
Featuring Artists from: CALACA and Division 9 Gallery (Riverside, CA)
October 7th to November 18th, 2011
DEADLINE to tell us if you are interested in participating: August 27th
at (***Please send us your concepts, ideas, images of existing pieces by this day)
Where will the exhibition be?:
Bragg’s Pie Factory 1301 Grand Ave., Phoenix, Az (12th Ave and Grand)
We are looking for Day of the Dead artists and participants that would be interested in making depictions of art for this year’s CALACA theme at the Bragg’s Pie Factory location, “Caminos de la Muerte (Roads of the Dead)” exhibition. That includes depictions of art of all mediums, installations, altars, nichos, retablos, ofrendas, and other types of art that would have a traveling theme to it. *Feel free to contact us for any questions related to this exhibit at .
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Call for Artists!
for our
Seventh Annual CALACA Dia de los Muertos
“Mascaras del Muerto ”
*Art Exhibit Dates: September 30th to January 8th, 2011
Reception: Friday September 30th (6pm to 9pm), 2011
Where?? at the Arizona Historical Society Museum at Papago Park,
1300 N. College, Tempe, AZ (NW corner of College and Curry)
We are LOOKING FOR ARTISTS, that means YOU!!!
We are looking for Artists, and Community members that would like to participate by making depictions of Day of the Dead masks, mask making, mask art, inspired mask altars, nichos, and ofrendas. for our 7th annual Day of the Dead exhibition at the Arizona Historical Society Museum at Papago Park. If you, or someone you know would be interested in participating, please make sure you submit all information by deadlines below. This year’s exhibition theme is Mascaras or Masks, We are accepting submissions on that theme only. Feel free to contact us for any questions related to this exhibit.
DEADLINE to tell us if you are interested in participating: August 21st
(***Please send us your concepts, ideas, images of existing pieces by this day)
for our
Seventh Annual CALACA Dia de los Muertos
“Mascaras del Muerto ”
*Art Exhibit Dates: September 30th to January 8th, 2011
Reception: Friday September 30th (6pm to 9pm), 2011
Where?? at the Arizona Historical Society Museum at Papago Park,
1300 N. College, Tempe, AZ (NW corner of College and Curry)
We are LOOKING FOR ARTISTS, that means YOU!!!
We are looking for Artists, and Community members that would like to participate by making depictions of Day of the Dead masks, mask making, mask art, inspired mask altars, nichos, and ofrendas. for our 7th annual Day of the Dead exhibition at the Arizona Historical Society Museum at Papago Park. If you, or someone you know would be interested in participating, please make sure you submit all information by deadlines below. This year’s exhibition theme is Mascaras or Masks, We are accepting submissions on that theme only. Feel free to contact us for any questions related to this exhibit.
DEADLINE to tell us if you are interested in participating: August 21st
(***Please send us your concepts, ideas, images of existing pieces by this day)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Agree or Disagree...At Least Someone Is Taking Action

Come Celebrate Baja Arizona With Start Our State
Tucson, Arizona - June 14th, 2011 - On Saturday, July 2nd, the southern Arizona independence initiative called "Start Our State" will host the first annual Baja Arizona Independence Day celebration with live music, food, voter registration, petition signing, and informal information sessions so that voters can learn what the effort is all about.
Scheduled to perform at the event are local standouts Gabe Sullivan and Taraf de Tucson, Tom Walbank, Silverbell, Seashell Radio, and Yardsale Heart.
Attendees can also expect various speakers, including Start Our State's chairs Paul Eckerstrom and Peter Hormel, along with voter registration and information on the Start Our State movement. We will also be collecting signatures to get our initiative on the Pima county ballot for the November 2012 elections.
Things get started at the Rialto at 5:00pm, with a suggested donation of $10, or $5 for new registrants/petition signers.
For more information, please drop a note to or check the Start Our State website ( or Facebook (
Monday, May 16, 2011
Expect a tear jerker...
Sat. May 28th 7:30pm
at The Trunk Space
WHO: A Moment of Light by Perry Allen
WHAT: Examining a year in the life of a family with 2 children, one dying from Cancer.
WHERE: The Trunk Space, 1506 NW Grand Ave. 602-256-6006.
WHEN: Sat. May 28th. $6 per person.
WHY: In an exploration of life, thru tragedy.
Cally's older brother is dying and her ninth birthday is in April. Only three years old when Killian was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Cally does not remember a life without her brother's illness. Moment of Light balances between a projection of the film maker's own childhood sibling loss and that of the subject. For one year, we are invited into Cally's world; a place where imagination and expression challenge loss, and the bonds of family and community allow laughter in the face of tragedy.
Director’s Statement:
Since I was a child it was expected that everything I produce should explore my grief, which was necessary for my development in dealing with the death of my brother's death. Unfortunately, however, due to this expectation, I was never able to produce anything true. There was such an emphasis on how my brother’s death was intertwined in all my work that the work itself was always left half-realized.
If I have done anything with "Moment of Light," it has been an attempt at dissecting my personality, constitution, and identity to use my art honestly. For two years I have studied child psychology, sibling development, death in society, and artifacts from my own brother’s illness. I have interviewed historians, doctors, cemetery caretakers, and other bereaved siblings, trying to understand how this particular form of grief affects the individual. But now I don’t know if I am any wiser. I may have more questions than I started with.
The main component of this undertaking was to a film a documentary about childhood sibling bereavement. In the fall of 2008, a New York based charity agreed to help organize a way for me to incorporate a camera into the lives of a suffering family. We ultimately agreed that I would follow expressive arts therapist Rebekah Near on her rounds of in-home therapies. The following two years were vastly different than I expected and all my pre-conceived notions of art, family, and self ultimately had to be reevaluated.
I ended up filming mainly with one family, for a total of one year. The Mansfield family is Barbara and Phil, their son Killian and daughter Cally. Cally was three years old when her brother was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Now eight years old, she has few memories of living without a terribly sick older brother. From behind my lens, I began a connection with Cally. Though I did see myself in her, I was not ready for the heartache that comes when watching a young girl’s innocence fade. In August
2009, after six months of filming, Killian died.
Moment of Light:
Though the family initially betrayed all preconceived notions on how a family grieves, no story can be too sweet. As winter rolled in, I videotaped as Cally started to realize the finality of death and its effect on her family. The bitterness of the freeze did not make any of it easier.
I feel sometimes this project has been difficult on my physical and emotional stability. In analyzing this family, I have questioned much about myself and must have learned something. But what? In January 2010, I attended my fourth funeral – that of a fellow student. I had never been to the funeral of a peer and have been troubled since with how to comprehend his suicide. It has been trials like these that have made this project a total experience.
The greatest challenge in filming Moment of Light was my role in Cally’s life. I was privileged enough to be allowed into the home of a grieving family – there is an intrinsic moral question there. When constantly guarded by a video camera it is easy to remain unattached. You do not completely feel present in the situation because you are just documenting it. I feared getting to know Cally outside of the lens. Even now, I am always unsure what to say to her because our relationship has been defined by the presence of the camera. This detachment allowed me to justify the main ethical issues of my piece: the boundaries of exploitation, the nature of consent, and a child’s right to privacy. There is no denial that my presence altered Cally’s therapies and her grieving. Though it is impossible to say whether the effect was negative or positive, I am horrified to picture an aerial view of her therapy sessions – a complete stranger across the room with a trained video camera in his hands. I have spoken with the Mansfield family directly about this, but even their undying support does not always quell these thoughts.
Have I fulfilled my initial goal to strip down pretense and create something true? Not nearly…but it’s better than all my previous attempts. To think I have completed a project that rings completely true would mean I have nothing more to learn and explore. Only in a few years will I be able to see the making of Moment of Light with some perspective.
I am incredibly grateful to the Mansfield family because, selfishly, existing in their world helped to make more sense of my own. There have also been so many people who have kept me sane and helped foster my ideas into an hour-long film. It would not have been possible for me to do it alone. With their help, I have experienced how the act of creating can shake one to the core. I can only hope that as a viewer, we can share in that experience.
A MOMENT OF LIGHT is scheduled to screen Saturday May 28th at 8pm at The Trunk Space. Tickets are $6 per person, and profits will go to a family who need financial support taking their child to NYC for doctor consultations.
Sat. May 28th 7:30pm
at The Trunk Space
WHO: A Moment of Light by Perry Allen
WHAT: Examining a year in the life of a family with 2 children, one dying from Cancer.
WHERE: The Trunk Space, 1506 NW Grand Ave. 602-256-6006.
WHEN: Sat. May 28th. $6 per person.
WHY: In an exploration of life, thru tragedy.
Cally's older brother is dying and her ninth birthday is in April. Only three years old when Killian was diagnosed with terminal cancer, Cally does not remember a life without her brother's illness. Moment of Light balances between a projection of the film maker's own childhood sibling loss and that of the subject. For one year, we are invited into Cally's world; a place where imagination and expression challenge loss, and the bonds of family and community allow laughter in the face of tragedy.
Director’s Statement:
Since I was a child it was expected that everything I produce should explore my grief, which was necessary for my development in dealing with the death of my brother's death. Unfortunately, however, due to this expectation, I was never able to produce anything true. There was such an emphasis on how my brother’s death was intertwined in all my work that the work itself was always left half-realized.
If I have done anything with "Moment of Light," it has been an attempt at dissecting my personality, constitution, and identity to use my art honestly. For two years I have studied child psychology, sibling development, death in society, and artifacts from my own brother’s illness. I have interviewed historians, doctors, cemetery caretakers, and other bereaved siblings, trying to understand how this particular form of grief affects the individual. But now I don’t know if I am any wiser. I may have more questions than I started with.
The main component of this undertaking was to a film a documentary about childhood sibling bereavement. In the fall of 2008, a New York based charity agreed to help organize a way for me to incorporate a camera into the lives of a suffering family. We ultimately agreed that I would follow expressive arts therapist Rebekah Near on her rounds of in-home therapies. The following two years were vastly different than I expected and all my pre-conceived notions of art, family, and self ultimately had to be reevaluated.
I ended up filming mainly with one family, for a total of one year. The Mansfield family is Barbara and Phil, their son Killian and daughter Cally. Cally was three years old when her brother was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Now eight years old, she has few memories of living without a terribly sick older brother. From behind my lens, I began a connection with Cally. Though I did see myself in her, I was not ready for the heartache that comes when watching a young girl’s innocence fade. In August
2009, after six months of filming, Killian died.
Moment of Light:
Though the family initially betrayed all preconceived notions on how a family grieves, no story can be too sweet. As winter rolled in, I videotaped as Cally started to realize the finality of death and its effect on her family. The bitterness of the freeze did not make any of it easier.
I feel sometimes this project has been difficult on my physical and emotional stability. In analyzing this family, I have questioned much about myself and must have learned something. But what? In January 2010, I attended my fourth funeral – that of a fellow student. I had never been to the funeral of a peer and have been troubled since with how to comprehend his suicide. It has been trials like these that have made this project a total experience.
The greatest challenge in filming Moment of Light was my role in Cally’s life. I was privileged enough to be allowed into the home of a grieving family – there is an intrinsic moral question there. When constantly guarded by a video camera it is easy to remain unattached. You do not completely feel present in the situation because you are just documenting it. I feared getting to know Cally outside of the lens. Even now, I am always unsure what to say to her because our relationship has been defined by the presence of the camera. This detachment allowed me to justify the main ethical issues of my piece: the boundaries of exploitation, the nature of consent, and a child’s right to privacy. There is no denial that my presence altered Cally’s therapies and her grieving. Though it is impossible to say whether the effect was negative or positive, I am horrified to picture an aerial view of her therapy sessions – a complete stranger across the room with a trained video camera in his hands. I have spoken with the Mansfield family directly about this, but even their undying support does not always quell these thoughts.
Have I fulfilled my initial goal to strip down pretense and create something true? Not nearly…but it’s better than all my previous attempts. To think I have completed a project that rings completely true would mean I have nothing more to learn and explore. Only in a few years will I be able to see the making of Moment of Light with some perspective.
I am incredibly grateful to the Mansfield family because, selfishly, existing in their world helped to make more sense of my own. There have also been so many people who have kept me sane and helped foster my ideas into an hour-long film. It would not have been possible for me to do it alone. With their help, I have experienced how the act of creating can shake one to the core. I can only hope that as a viewer, we can share in that experience.
A MOMENT OF LIGHT is scheduled to screen Saturday May 28th at 8pm at The Trunk Space. Tickets are $6 per person, and profits will go to a family who need financial support taking their child to NYC for doctor consultations.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
If you're into this sort of thing....
Hopefuls Can Record and Submit Video Auditions
at MyStudio Locations Nationwide
First Audition Studios Open Friday, April 8, in Honolulu and Phoenix;
Followed by Studios in Nashville, Anchorage, Kansas City and Denver
Visit or for the Latest
THE X FACTOR News and Information
THE X FACTOR, the highly anticipated singing competition series debuting this fall on FOX, extends its auditions further across the country with unprecedented and specially built high-definition recording studios opening Friday, April 8 in Honolulu, HI; and Phoenix, AZ. Additional studios will open in Nashville, TN, on Saturday, April 9; Anchorage, AK, on Tuesday, April 12; Kansas City, KS, on Friday, April 15; and Denver, CO, on Saturday, April 16. The audition studios will remain open until Saturday, April 30.
Throughout the month of April, anyone 12 years old or over - both solo artists and vocal groups - will have the opportunity to use the state-of-the-art studios to audio- and video-record their a cappella audition and state why they think they have what it takes to be a global superstar.
The unprecedented audition studios allow hopefuls the chance to audition for THE X FACTOR if they aren't able to make it to the open auditions. THE X FACTOR is the first singing competition show to utilize these state-of-the-art recording studios, giving more people the chance to become a global superstar and win a $5 million recording contract with Syco/Sony Music.
The hopefuls who recorded in MyStudios that are selected by producers to move forward in the competition will advance to the next round of callbacks and will be offered the opportunity to continue their audition, in person, in Dallas or another audition city as determined by the producers.
"These studios were brought to my attention some months ago, and we think they are brilliant way to audition for those people who haven't been able to make it to the cities," said Simon Cowell. "MyStudio has kindly let us use these high-tech studios for THE X FACTOR auditions, which record studio-quality sound and video to make the audition tape, and I'm very excited for anyone who decides to use these to audition."
Visit or call toll-free 855-345-5678 for eligibility requirements, the latest news on the audition studios and to sign up to receive audition information. All auditioners should go online to confirm eligibility and review THE X FACTOR / MyStudio Audition Video Submission Terms and Conditions.
THE X FACTOR MyStudio audition booths opening dates and locations are as follows:
Honolulu, HI Friday, April 8 Pearlridge Center Uptown
98-1005 Moanalua Rd.
Aiea, HI 96701
*Located near See's Candies
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Phoenix, AZ Friday, April 8 Arizona Mills
5000 S. Arizona Mills Cir.
Tempe, AZ 85282
*Located near GameWorks
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
Nashville, TN Saturday, April 9 Coolsprings Galleria
1800 Galleria Blvd.
Franklin, TN 37067
*Located near Dillard's
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 12:00 PM-6:00 PM
Anchorage, AK Tuesday, April 12 Dimond Center
800 E. Dimond Blvd.
Anchorage, AK 99515
*Located near Zumiez
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
Kansas City, KS Friday, April 15 Oak Park Mall
11149 W. 95th St.
Overland Park, KS 66214
*Located near Macy's
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
Denver, CO Saturday, April 16 Colorado Mills
14500 W. Colfax Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80401
*Located near AMC Theatres
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
In a departure from other singing competition series, the first time a contestant auditions for THE X FACTOR judges, he/she will do so in front of an audience of thousands - raising the stakes and increasing the pressure to impress not only the judges, but also a potential legion of fans. This will be the ultimate test to prove they have the vocal ability, charisma and stage presence that it takes to become a global superstar and win an unprecedented $5 million recording contract with Syco/Sony Music.
Antonio "L.A." Reid, former Chairman of Island Def Jam Music Group and one of the most influential names in music today, will join Simon Cowell on the THE X FACTOR judging panel. Pepsi will serve as an official sponsor of THE X FACTOR. The comprehensive sponsorship includes an extensive, multi-platform off-air marketing partnership; weekly in-show integrations and placements; and an immersive content experience online.
THE X FACTOR is produced by Syco Television and FremantleMedia North America. Simon Cowell, Rob Wade and Siobhan Greene are executive producers for Syco Television. Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Richard Holloway and Andrew Llinares serve as executive producers for FremantleMedia North America.
About MyStudio® HD Recording Studios
The award-winning MyStudio is the brain child of technology and entertainment entrepreneur Larry Ryckman. MyStudio is a self-contained, state-of-the-art, audio/video recording studio that offers true professional recording studio-quality audio and HD broadcast-quality video with an ease, economy and convenience never before available. MyStudio eliminates the high cost and technological and logistical barriers inherent in the creation of high-quality online video content thereby opening up a new world of opportunities for the creation of user-generated video content by amateurs and professionals alike.
MyStudio can be used to create videos for music, modeling, comedy, dating, job resumes, auditions, personal messages and greetings. A recording session for up to five minutes costs only $20. Using Hollywood-style green screen technology, MyStudio users can choose from over 1,000 HD virtual backgrounds for their videos or they can upload their own custom backgrounds. In addition, MyStudio offers thousands of licensed karaoke tracks from EMI Music Publishing and Universal Music Publishing and others thereby allowing consumers to legally create music videos for public viewing on-line. Within minutes of recording, videos are automatically uploaded to the website, which offers free member profile pages and video sharing in a social networking environment. At, members can enter contests, receive free DVDs of their videos, download MP3 audio files, access embed codes.
MyStudio, Inc., is owned and operated by Studio One Media, Inc. ("Studio One") (OTC.BB:SOMD).
About "The X Factor"
Since its debut in 2004, "The X Factor" has remained the U.K.'s #1 program for the last seven years, peaking with an audience of 21 million with 65% audience share for its 2010 finale. The format swiftly broke similar records around the world, where local versions have consistently rated #1 in 15 territories, with a worldwide audience now well over 100 million. In Denmark, it has ranked #1 for the last four years, peaking with an 80% share of the audience. In Colombia, it has consistently ranked #1 with a 75% share of the audience. Additionally, "The X Factor" consistently delivers a 50% to 65% share of the viewing audiences in Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, France and Italy - with the highest percentage of these shares in A15-34. In some markets, "The X Factor" has increased the channel average demographic by up to 250%. The series has received numerous honors worldwide, including three BAFTA awards, numerous NTA awards and the coveted Rose d'Or. In the U.K., an unprecedented 1.5 million iTunes downloads were made from "The X Factor" contestant performances in 2010. Globally, more than 100 million records have been sold by artists launched through the series, including over 90 #1 singles and albums and 150 Top Ten records
Hopefuls Can Record and Submit Video Auditions
at MyStudio Locations Nationwide
First Audition Studios Open Friday, April 8, in Honolulu and Phoenix;
Followed by Studios in Nashville, Anchorage, Kansas City and Denver
Visit or for the Latest
THE X FACTOR News and Information
THE X FACTOR, the highly anticipated singing competition series debuting this fall on FOX, extends its auditions further across the country with unprecedented and specially built high-definition recording studios opening Friday, April 8 in Honolulu, HI; and Phoenix, AZ. Additional studios will open in Nashville, TN, on Saturday, April 9; Anchorage, AK, on Tuesday, April 12; Kansas City, KS, on Friday, April 15; and Denver, CO, on Saturday, April 16. The audition studios will remain open until Saturday, April 30.
Throughout the month of April, anyone 12 years old or over - both solo artists and vocal groups - will have the opportunity to use the state-of-the-art studios to audio- and video-record their a cappella audition and state why they think they have what it takes to be a global superstar.
The unprecedented audition studios allow hopefuls the chance to audition for THE X FACTOR if they aren't able to make it to the open auditions. THE X FACTOR is the first singing competition show to utilize these state-of-the-art recording studios, giving more people the chance to become a global superstar and win a $5 million recording contract with Syco/Sony Music.
The hopefuls who recorded in MyStudios that are selected by producers to move forward in the competition will advance to the next round of callbacks and will be offered the opportunity to continue their audition, in person, in Dallas or another audition city as determined by the producers.
"These studios were brought to my attention some months ago, and we think they are brilliant way to audition for those people who haven't been able to make it to the cities," said Simon Cowell. "MyStudio has kindly let us use these high-tech studios for THE X FACTOR auditions, which record studio-quality sound and video to make the audition tape, and I'm very excited for anyone who decides to use these to audition."
Visit or call toll-free 855-345-5678 for eligibility requirements, the latest news on the audition studios and to sign up to receive audition information. All auditioners should go online to confirm eligibility and review THE X FACTOR / MyStudio Audition Video Submission Terms and Conditions.
THE X FACTOR MyStudio audition booths opening dates and locations are as follows:
Honolulu, HI Friday, April 8 Pearlridge Center Uptown
98-1005 Moanalua Rd.
Aiea, HI 96701
*Located near See's Candies
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Phoenix, AZ Friday, April 8 Arizona Mills
5000 S. Arizona Mills Cir.
Tempe, AZ 85282
*Located near GameWorks
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
Nashville, TN Saturday, April 9 Coolsprings Galleria
1800 Galleria Blvd.
Franklin, TN 37067
*Located near Dillard's
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 12:00 PM-6:00 PM
Anchorage, AK Tuesday, April 12 Dimond Center
800 E. Dimond Blvd.
Anchorage, AK 99515
*Located near Zumiez
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
Kansas City, KS Friday, April 15 Oak Park Mall
11149 W. 95th St.
Overland Park, KS 66214
*Located near Macy's
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
Denver, CO Saturday, April 16 Colorado Mills
14500 W. Colfax Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80401
*Located near AMC Theatres
Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM-9:00 PM
Sun: 11:00 AM-6:00 PM
In a departure from other singing competition series, the first time a contestant auditions for THE X FACTOR judges, he/she will do so in front of an audience of thousands - raising the stakes and increasing the pressure to impress not only the judges, but also a potential legion of fans. This will be the ultimate test to prove they have the vocal ability, charisma and stage presence that it takes to become a global superstar and win an unprecedented $5 million recording contract with Syco/Sony Music.
Antonio "L.A." Reid, former Chairman of Island Def Jam Music Group and one of the most influential names in music today, will join Simon Cowell on the THE X FACTOR judging panel. Pepsi will serve as an official sponsor of THE X FACTOR. The comprehensive sponsorship includes an extensive, multi-platform off-air marketing partnership; weekly in-show integrations and placements; and an immersive content experience online.
THE X FACTOR is produced by Syco Television and FremantleMedia North America. Simon Cowell, Rob Wade and Siobhan Greene are executive producers for Syco Television. Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Richard Holloway and Andrew Llinares serve as executive producers for FremantleMedia North America.
About MyStudio® HD Recording Studios
The award-winning MyStudio is the brain child of technology and entertainment entrepreneur Larry Ryckman. MyStudio is a self-contained, state-of-the-art, audio/video recording studio that offers true professional recording studio-quality audio and HD broadcast-quality video with an ease, economy and convenience never before available. MyStudio eliminates the high cost and technological and logistical barriers inherent in the creation of high-quality online video content thereby opening up a new world of opportunities for the creation of user-generated video content by amateurs and professionals alike.
MyStudio can be used to create videos for music, modeling, comedy, dating, job resumes, auditions, personal messages and greetings. A recording session for up to five minutes costs only $20. Using Hollywood-style green screen technology, MyStudio users can choose from over 1,000 HD virtual backgrounds for their videos or they can upload their own custom backgrounds. In addition, MyStudio offers thousands of licensed karaoke tracks from EMI Music Publishing and Universal Music Publishing and others thereby allowing consumers to legally create music videos for public viewing on-line. Within minutes of recording, videos are automatically uploaded to the website, which offers free member profile pages and video sharing in a social networking environment. At, members can enter contests, receive free DVDs of their videos, download MP3 audio files, access embed codes.
MyStudio, Inc., is owned and operated by Studio One Media, Inc. ("Studio One") (OTC.BB:SOMD).
About "The X Factor"
Since its debut in 2004, "The X Factor" has remained the U.K.'s #1 program for the last seven years, peaking with an audience of 21 million with 65% audience share for its 2010 finale. The format swiftly broke similar records around the world, where local versions have consistently rated #1 in 15 territories, with a worldwide audience now well over 100 million. In Denmark, it has ranked #1 for the last four years, peaking with an 80% share of the audience. In Colombia, it has consistently ranked #1 with a 75% share of the audience. Additionally, "The X Factor" consistently delivers a 50% to 65% share of the viewing audiences in Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, France and Italy - with the highest percentage of these shares in A15-34. In some markets, "The X Factor" has increased the channel average demographic by up to 250%. The series has received numerous honors worldwide, including three BAFTA awards, numerous NTA awards and the coveted Rose d'Or. In the U.K., an unprecedented 1.5 million iTunes downloads were made from "The X Factor" contestant performances in 2010. Globally, more than 100 million records have been sold by artists launched through the series, including over 90 #1 singles and albums and 150 Top Ten records
Monday, April 4, 2011
This looks like probably the most exciting event in quite some time!!

An Evening of Science, Music, and Connection!
PHOENIX, Arizona— On April 16th, join Dr. Bohr at THE TRUNK SPACE to learn about the latest advances in connection science! You will witness live experiments, build a connect-o-matic accelerator, meet robots, enter another dimension, and encounter intergalactic law enforcement.
An interactive performance art / theatrical / dance / musical experience, Dr. Bohr’s Secret of the Mind is a wacky, pseudo-scientific documentation that shows and explores what it means to truly connect. Informed by Sociological and Psychological examinations of loneliness and separation, it seeks to address, briefly and humorously, loneliness and connection in the human experience.
Come experience the POWER OF SCIENCE!
But really!
Admission is only 6 dollars, with all profits supporting local community service initiatives.
APRIL 16th, 7:00 pm
The Trunk Space
1506 NW Grand Ave
Phoenix, AZ
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